Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We Gon' Find You!

Okay so I don't really get why people have to be so insanely mean?? Lately people in my life have been treated like crap and I am honestly really sick of it. Just a note to any guy out there, BE HONEST. We are girls. If you lie, we're going to find out. We have like a 6th sense in finding out information. Like 95% of people have some sort of social networking site (okay I made that statistic up, but still). Don't make up dumb excuses about how you rushed into things when you really just weren't getting what you wanted from a perfectly amazing girl. Lying to a girl is one of the worst mistakes any guy can make because you've basically just ruined your reputation. She will tell her best friends and then they go and tell everyone else. Call us dumb, but that's how girls operate. I have definitely had my share of dumb lies told to me and it's just made me one of the most skeptical people in the world. UGH. Why do people have to lie? I want to punch anyone in the face that lies about something so stupid. What is the point? Lying is about as dumb as Aria picking Ezra over Jake! Seriously, DUMB idea. How amazing would life be if people were just honest? Yes, people would probably get their feelings hurt a little easier, but wouldn't you rather hurt a little over the truth than hurt more from believing the lie only to find out it was a lie?? I think I am on to something here so you can run and tell that, HOME BOY.

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