Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Road trip education

Today marked the start of my big trip to Utah! First thing I learned within like an hour of traveling is I get car sick on long bumpy roads. I apparently can't do long car rides unless asleep or driving. Serious note there is nothing worse than being car sick on a 24 hour car trip. I am so thankful my mother is good at taking care of me!! I also confirmed my obsession with wanting to move to Texas to raise my family. I'm in love with everything Texas! I also ate one of the best steaks I'd ever eaten at The Big Texan in Amarillo. Like it was to die for. Nom nom nom. The sunset was absolutely beautiful and then the sky was full of stars. It was such an amazing picture of the beautiful things the Lord has created for us. If you have always wanted to road trip I'd definitely tell anyone to do it! Pictures will be uploaded from the crazy things I see. I'm excited to keep going as long as I'm not blowing chunks every couple of hours. Welcome to the struggle. 

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