Friday, February 7, 2014

Southern girls in the snow.

Today was just like any normal day with the casual 4 feet of snow on the ground until I decided to attempt to do laundry at my sister's house. I noticed the driveway was pretty covered in snow but I thought I could just roll on in the driveway. Boy, was I wrong! I got stuck and I hadn't even gotten in the driveway yet. So then I think I can just put my car in neutral and push it. LOL @ ME considering I'm 5 foot 3. That DID NOT work. So I called my sister and she gave me a few ideas but none of them worked. After many times of falling in the snow and basically giving myself a concussion from the shovel, I gave up. Just as the tears began to fall from frustration, two missionaries drive up and make it certain to me that they will help me get out. Let's be honest this would only happen in Utah! Not to mention they probably saw my mascara running down my face and felt some intense pity for me. Like 30 minutes later I finally got unstuck. Who knows how long I would have been stuck in the road if they hadn't have came to save the little southern girl in the snow. Oh how the struggle is so real! 

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