Monday, January 6, 2014

I feel sorry for you

For all of you that can't get out of high school, I feel sorry for you. For anyone that thinks the world will be handed to you, I feel sorry for you. For all the people who judge me for the decisions I've made, I feel sorry for you. Honestly, there have been so many people in my life that have been two faced and stabbed me in the back. I used to be really upset but now, I just feel sorry for them. I am happy and in so much of a better place physically, mentally, and emotionally. I do not care what is said about me back home because I know and The Lord knows the good I am trying to do. It really is sad to see how people can't grow up and act their age. Life may seem like a big party but when push comes to shove, it sure isn't easy. So while y'all begin to fall to rock bottom I'll be on my way to the top. I am perfectly happy with everyone negative being blocked out of my life. Literally. There isn't much I can do besides keep going and not let anyone bother me. Times like this just make me thankful for my wonderful family and few but true friends that I hold dear. 

Thankful for these blessings in my life. 

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