Friday, January 10, 2014

Lessons Learned

I feel like there are some people and things in my life that I wasted my time on. I wasted two years of my life on a guy that honestly couldn't ever get his act together. He was definitely the first guy I loved and as stupid as it sounds, I really thought we would have a future together. I have always been the person to be organized and he just wasn't the same when it came to stuff like that.  As much as I tried to help and be the person to help get him where he needed to be, it was never my duty. Ever since we ended I have been kicking myself in the butt because I feel like I pushed him away. In reality I realize that it's okay. I learned that you can't make anyone see they need to change, that is just something that they will have to realize themselves. As hard as it was to leave and hear how he ended up, I know that the Lord knew there was something better out there for me. It was really tough at times to know that he was in a different place than I was but I know that now I will ask the Lord for help when deciding who I should spend my time with. I  also feel like I wasted a lot of my time trying to be a person that everyone liked. I always wanted to be included and well liked. I should of just tried to be myself. Someone that would make my family proud and my friends happy to be around. I learned the lesson that it's okay to be my weird and awkward self the hard way. There have been many times where I feel like I will honestly be forever alone, but then my amazing family and friends always show me that there is so much more that I have to offer. I know that sometimes life just feels like a huge smack in the face, but I really do believe that the struggles make us stronger and the Lord will never leave our sides when we are facing difficulty. So while the struggle may be real, Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and I, thankfully, have learned to trust him completely.

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