Monday, December 30, 2013

No, I'm not engaged. Please don't shoot me.

Well, as a single almost 20 year old I sometimes feel like a fish out of water when I'm looking on Facebook. Is the new trend among girls my age to get engaged? Was there a meeting I missed out on? Like serious note, I think there is something in the water around here. Everyday there are more people I'm friends with that have a diamond on their left ring finger!! Like what is the deal? Is it bad that I am perfectly happy just adding more stuff to my beauty and the beast collection? I know with most girls my age in my church think I probably have a huge L on my forehead. Truth is, there isn't anyone I've met yet who I think is my "prince charming" and I am perfectly okay with that. Is it so wrong for me to pretend to be a Disney princess instead of searching for a husband? I don't think anyone I've met can honestly handle the weirdness like let's be real I'm pretty awkward. I laugh way too hard at the humor section of pinterest and I have an awesome relationship with the entire How I met your mother cast. So while everyone is kissing their love on new years I'll be cheering in the new year with my best friend for the 4th year in a row. Then secretly we will wanna cry because we feel forever alone. Ehh what can I say? The struggle is real. 

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