Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The unknown

Some people think that the unknown is the best part of life because you never know when something amazing could happen. Well tell that to all of us control freaks. There are so many questions in my life that I want an answer to but "I don't know" seems to be my only response. Those three words are like dealth to a control freak like me. Is it so bad that I like to plan in advance? That way if anything starts to go wrong I have pleanty of time to fix it. It's not so easy for me to let it all go and not care. I like to be in control and know exactly what is going on and when it's happening. But that's not always how life is, is it? Patience is a virtue and well let's be honest, I'm the most impatient person in the entire world. I base my actions on feelings so if I feel I should do it, I do.  Persistence must have taken the spot of my patience because I sure do have a lot of that. My daddy will be the first one to tell you when I have something in my head, I can't let go of the idea until it happens. I feel as if my thoughts are going to drive me, and probably everyone around me, mad! Maybe I just need a vacation... Oh how the struggle is so real. 

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