Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bumps in the Road

Sometimes life is just simply hard. Sometimes you run into poles with your car and get completely humiliated in front of a bunch of people. Sometimes you just cry for hours because you miss your family and your best friend. Sometimes you just wish someone would grab you and hold you and promise you that no matter what everything was going to be okay because you are with them and he loves you and that is all that matters. But life is never really like that is it? Life is HARD. My mother keeps constantly telling me to let it go and let The Lord take care of it. That is honestly the hardest thing I think I have ever had to do. It seems so easy just to not deal with it and know that Heavenly Father is going to take care of it. But I honestly am trying every day to be patient and let everything happen on the Lord's time. I know that I can do it, it is just a matter of how long it will take me to achieve my goal. I feel like I am constantly praying for strength and I just feel so selfish. (that is my number one pet peeve!) I feel like I need an emotional vacation and maybe a physical one too. Disney World sounds like the perfect remedy in my mind. (HINT HINT MOM!) But I don't want to be the girl who always runs away from her problems because I am honestly really good at doing that. I have been reading a book called "When You Can't Do It Alone" by Brent L. Top and I can honestly say it's what has been keeping me together. I think that I am trying so hard to be so independent because I am scared to depend on anyone else because I have been let down so many times, But what I need to realize is that Heavenly Father won't ever let me down. Placing my trust in Him and letting him take complete control of my life is so much easier said than done. But on a side note, I need a new tail light so if anyone knows a good repair shop in the Northern Utah area, holla atcha girl. Oh how the Struggle is so real. #storyofmylife

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