Saturday, May 24, 2014

Starting a Revolution!

Lately I have been asking a lot of people for advice on things that are occurring in my life. They always reply with something I should change or that I should do this instead of this and feel this way instead of that way. Well I am here to bring out my southern charm and start a revolution. I am going to stop doing what people think I should do, acting how I should act to get the result that I want. How about I just be myself and if things work out, great. If not, then there is something better! Why would I change the way I am just to make someone else care about me? Thats absolutely dumb. Yes. I have tons of flaws that could use work, but isn't that what makes me who I am? I am impatient but I am learning. I speak without thinking WAY too often. I like to change the color of my hair (not drastically but just spice things up). I drive too fast and listen to my music far too loud. I complain a lot about things that I can't change and my obsession with Disney is at an all time highly unhealthy level. BUT SO WHAT?! I also care insanely more about others than myself. I find myself always thanking Heavenly Father for everything he has given me, even the trials and hard times I face. I also would do anything to make others happy before I would do something that would make me happy. So to all of you who have given me advice, thank you. Honestly. I just know that deep down I can try my best to be a better person, but I am always going to be who I am. I am going to be too emotional and cry when I am sad, happy, thankful, and just because I feel like I need to. I don't wanna be anyone else other than myself. I am glad to be who I am and act the way I do. If that is something that you don't want in your life, then I don't need you in mine. It has taken me a long time to feel this way, but when I look in the mirror I am happy with what I see looking back at me. I am so comfortable in my own skin. So this may be the only time I say this, but there isn't much of a struggle here! ;)

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