Wednesday, June 11, 2014


There are a lot of questions that I have been asking lately. I feel like most of the questions begin with the word why.  WHY did this happen? WHY did this not happen? etc. well, after many weeks and many attempts to find out, I think I might finally have an answer. The answer is simply timing. There is so much going on right now and all I have to remember is that everything that is supposed to happen at the right time. I can't force anything. The best things in life happen when you least expect it and they definitely happen naturally. Anything that has to be forced will eventually break. Don't get me wrong, I am still the most impatient person that has ever lived, but I am beginning to not take the waiting periods for granted. Any moment of any day can be that spectacular moment that people dream about. I think I get this idea in my head that things will go one way at a certain time and then they end up going a completely different way or don't happen at all. Life seems to be one big struggle sometimes. Especially when you are trying to find out the whys in life. I just feel like life shouldn't be always about the whys. If you want to do something, do it. There is no better time than the present. Granted, there are somethings that you can't always do because of timing, but if you can control it, DO IT. No one should ever stop you from making a decision that will make you happy. Time may seem life a burden sometimes, but it really is nothing more than a precious gift.

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