Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Call Me Evander Holyfield

If anyone doesn't know, I work as a special education instructional specialist at a high school around here. Sometimes days are better than others. Today was NOT one of those days. When one of my students I work with started screaming vulgar words at me, I knew that today was not going to be fun. After a few more minutes I found myself assisting one of my co workers in putting this kid in a restraint. Luckily for me he kicked me pretty good in the face before we got him settled. Floor restraints are not the easiest thing to keep going. While readjusting, I got kicked in the face again and bitten in the arm. At this time the student got a nose bleed and began trying to blow his blood on me. No worries y'all, he definitely did. Currently the score is Shelby 0, Student 4. Needless to say the score only doubled when I got my hair grabbed and a HUGE scratch on my arm. Final score? Shelby 1, Student 6. Why do I get a point? Because when I added my workouts to my calorie counter I burned over 600 calories due to an hour of wrestling. #winning #myjobisntalwaysfun #THESTRUGGLEISREAL

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