Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Little Things

I'm going to start off my saying the struggle is REAL when it comes to growing up. There has been a lot of changes going on in my life lately. It feels so weird to say that I am two months away from being in my twenties. Not only has there been changes in my life, but for all of my family. My sweet brother got engaged to an amazing woman and I could NOT be happier for them! It just seems like everything is changing so fast. I just want time to slow down a little bit. Sometimes I wish that I could go back to me, Lauren, and Justin pretending to ice skate in the kitchen with our socks on. Something I really miss is the ability I have to just drive over to my Nana's house and talk to her and my sweet Pa. Life seemed to be so easy when my family mostly lived within an hour of each other. I hate that I took that for granted while I was young. I also miss being able to crawl into bed with my mom when I have a long day and having her tell me that everything is going to be okay. Nothing is worse than being a broke college kid and being thousands away from your momma's DELICIOUS home cooking. I think it might be a little too obvious that I am homesick. I will forever know to NEVER take the little things in life for granted. The little things make the big things possible.

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