Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Is there a certain definition of a relationship? Are there certain things that must happen in order for two people to be dating? I have found myself insanely frustrated lately with the whole "DTR" thing. WHY?! What is the big deal of just being with someone and loving every single minute that you spend together. There is someone I have started seeing and every minute has been amazing. The only time I feel like I want to crawl into a hole is when the whole Defining the Relationship talk comes up. Don't get me wrong i'd LOVE to be considered his girlfriend, but is that really the most important thing? Everything seems so good and I am scared that putting a label on something will mess everything up. But why should it? Everyone thinks that we are dating already. But why does it matter what other people think?? I have gone back and forth with this stuff for DAYS. I think that everyone is at least a little bit scared to start a new relationship and if you aren't well, more power to you.   I have been praying so much because I don't want to mess something up  and I don't want to do something that I shouldn't. What happens if I feel like it is something that I should pursue but he isn't 100% sure? When did things become so complicated? Why can't it just be like "I like you" "Oh I like you too" BOOM. Together. End of Story! THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!

1 comment:

  1. You just have to put yourself out there and hope for the best, wish you the best of luck with this new guy!
