Saturday, December 28, 2013

The month of I didn't love you back so you got a girlfriend


Well like many people, I am single. I've definitely learned a lot of things in my time alone. The biggest lesson I have learned is that no company is better than the wrong company. From thanksgiving to Christmas I had company that seemed interested in me. Luckily I have good gut feelings about people so I was reluctant to make anything serious. After a short amount of time the "I love you" bomb was dropped and lets be honest, that freaked me out big time. Me, being who I am, knew I couldn't say it back without meaning it. Things then got awkward (anyone could have called that). A few days later I looked on Facebook and this guy had a girlfriend. Awkward? Yes. What's even more awkward? The same thing happened to me like 3 weeks later with a different guy. I often thought if this was like people conspiring against me, but these guys don't know each other even exist. But seriously. The same thing. Twice in one month. STORY OF MY LIFE... The struggle is real.

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