Monday, December 30, 2013

No, I'm not engaged. Please don't shoot me.

Well, as a single almost 20 year old I sometimes feel like a fish out of water when I'm looking on Facebook. Is the new trend among girls my age to get engaged? Was there a meeting I missed out on? Like serious note, I think there is something in the water around here. Everyday there are more people I'm friends with that have a diamond on their left ring finger!! Like what is the deal? Is it bad that I am perfectly happy just adding more stuff to my beauty and the beast collection? I know with most girls my age in my church think I probably have a huge L on my forehead. Truth is, there isn't anyone I've met yet who I think is my "prince charming" and I am perfectly okay with that. Is it so wrong for me to pretend to be a Disney princess instead of searching for a husband? I don't think anyone I've met can honestly handle the weirdness like let's be real I'm pretty awkward. I laugh way too hard at the humor section of pinterest and I have an awesome relationship with the entire How I met your mother cast. So while everyone is kissing their love on new years I'll be cheering in the new year with my best friend for the 4th year in a row. Then secretly we will wanna cry because we feel forever alone. Ehh what can I say? The struggle is real. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How old am I?

I absolutely love the members of my small town ward in Mississippi. Luckily, I got to spend some time getting to know the little ones in primary since I have been in-between Ole Miss and Utah State. I was listening to them sing when a little boy walks up to me and looks at the sweet newborn beside me and asks "when did you have your baby"? Keep in mind I am a single, fairly skinny (or so I thought) 19 year old. Luckily it didn't take long for the kid to realize that the baby wasn't mine. How awkward is that? Unfortunately for me this isn't the first time someone has claimed children for mine. Another recent experience was when I was with my God sister who is in 7th grade and God brother who is in kindergarten. Someone claimed that I was raising my children right due to Aidan's Carolina shirt (GO HEELS). Do I really look old enough to have children? I'm pretty sure that if someone would have seen me jumping up and down at the Be Our Guest restaurant a couple weeks ago in Disney that they would not think I was old enough or mature enough to have children of my own. Well, now I am reevaluating my life and possibly my need to exercise. What is my life? The Struggle is REAL.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The month of I didn't love you back so you got a girlfriend


Well like many people, I am single. I've definitely learned a lot of things in my time alone. The biggest lesson I have learned is that no company is better than the wrong company. From thanksgiving to Christmas I had company that seemed interested in me. Luckily I have good gut feelings about people so I was reluctant to make anything serious. After a short amount of time the "I love you" bomb was dropped and lets be honest, that freaked me out big time. Me, being who I am, knew I couldn't say it back without meaning it. Things then got awkward (anyone could have called that). A few days later I looked on Facebook and this guy had a girlfriend. Awkward? Yes. What's even more awkward? The same thing happened to me like 3 weeks later with a different guy. I often thought if this was like people conspiring against me, but these guys don't know each other even exist. But seriously. The same thing. Twice in one month. STORY OF MY LIFE... The struggle is real.