Friday, April 4, 2014

Reality may just be better...

So I'm laying here at almost 3 am and I can't sleep. Ever had those nights where you have so many thoughts in your head that nothing can drown them out? Welcome to the struggle of my night. There are so many loose ends in my life that I feel like I'm just waiting around to finally get an answer to. On the other hand, I feel happier than I've ever felt in my life. Is it possible to be kept awake because you're just too happy to sleep? I just am amazed that my life could really be so wonderful right now. Things are simple and surprisingly that makes me intensely happy. I feel like I've always been trying to make things difficult but this time it feels easy and perfect. Part of me is terrified that all this will end so fast but I'm mostly just too happy to even care. Luckily for me the night before I have to be up early, I can't sleep. Oh the struggle. But there's no way i would change anything about my life. (I never thought I'd ever say or think that!!)

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