Sunday, August 17, 2014

More Than Just Seconds, Minutes, and Hours

Time is an interesting thing. You either feel like you have too much of it or not enough of it. You can beg Heavenly Father for more of it at times and other times you are praying that it goes faster so that you can get past whatever you are going through. They say that time heals all and I must say that to a certain extent I agree. I feel like what we should really be focusing on is the incredible gift that time is. Growing up within close driving distance of most of my family, time with them wasn't in short supply. Every sunday we would see each other at church followed by an amazing meal at my Nana and Pa's house. My favorite memories involve my cousins, siblings, and other family members surrounded in the kitchen or laying on the floor in the living room of my grandparents' house. Then we all decided to grow up and move away. Now I think I would give anything in the world for that simple thing; time. Time back in that house. Time back eating all together. Time back when no one worried as much about what was going to happen in the future because we were all so young and things were simple. I would give anything for more time with my Pa, more time with us all together, more time learning about my relatives that I never got the chance to meet, and more time laughing and loving with each member of my family. But I think that it is true that if we all would have stayed right there in Winston-Salem we may have never realized how important our time is together. Now I cherish and jump at any opportunity I have to spend with my family. With the recent suicide of Robin Williams, I feel as if I am really holding on to the loved ones I have around me. It has made me look at life differently because of how much my life is relatable. You never know what you could do for someone just by giving them your time. YOUR TIME COULD CHANGE SOMEONE'S LIFE.  I know that time is one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received or given. Time may seem like a burden when you are going through a break up or waiting for the right one to come along, but it gives you the opportunity to realize who you are and what you want to do and be. I am thankful for the struggles that I have gone through to get me to where I am. Sometimes I feel like I am wasting the precious gift of time, but I have come to realize as long as I am using the time I am given to do what I am supposed to and strive to become who I am supposed to, then I can't be waisting much. I know I am always talking about how the struggle is real and complaining about how awkward my life is, but right now I am just thankful that I have those awkward times because it makes for fun stories and a life full of laughter. I hope that anyone that reads this realizes how amazing time and life is.

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