Saturday, June 21, 2014

True colors

There honestly isn't much that bothers me but one thing I can't stand is when people are fake. I'm the most upfront and honest person you will ever meet. NOTHING bothers me more than people who say one thing and then act another way. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm real. Guys that pour their heart out then when it comes down to it they get scared and run away literally are the worst. Why is it so difficult to just be honest? Girls that change who they are for a guy's attention literally make me want to punch them in the face. I couldn't pretend to be anyone other than me no matter how hard I tried. If I say I'm going to do something or be somewhere, good Lord willing, I'll be there. I literally couldn't lie if someone paid me. But why is it okay for people to do it?? Seriously what good comes out of lying? NOTHING. I will respect anyone no matter what if they are honest with me. Lie to me once and I promise I'll never trust you again. I just don't understand why being fake is ever a better idea than being yourself. If you don't like you, change it. It's really not that hard to just stop and realize that you are good enough the way you are. If someone tells you otherwise, you don't need them in your life. Just be real, like the struggle. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It needed to be said...

I don't understand why people have to do stupid things. Like seriously I couldn't be more frustrated right now. I HATE when people contradict themselves. When people act differently around different people I literally want to smack them in the face. Like when people wear country clothes around country friends and skater clothes around skater friends. Why is it so hard to just be yourself? Like BE UNIQUE! Why do people have to be so dumb? If your girlfriend begged you to take her dancing and you wouldn't go for her and then you go as soon as y'all break up?! Like seriously?! That's the stuff that bothers me. It's so true that when the going gets tough people show their true colors. I just don't understand why things that were such a big deal can just magically become easy over night! Nothing is more frustrating than when someone starts to do everything you wanted when y'all were together. Sometimes I feel like boys frustrate me WAY more than they should. Ugh where are all the boys that are like the ones in the books I read? Oh yeah, they're in non existent land. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


There are a lot of questions that I have been asking lately. I feel like most of the questions begin with the word why.  WHY did this happen? WHY did this not happen? etc. well, after many weeks and many attempts to find out, I think I might finally have an answer. The answer is simply timing. There is so much going on right now and all I have to remember is that everything that is supposed to happen at the right time. I can't force anything. The best things in life happen when you least expect it and they definitely happen naturally. Anything that has to be forced will eventually break. Don't get me wrong, I am still the most impatient person that has ever lived, but I am beginning to not take the waiting periods for granted. Any moment of any day can be that spectacular moment that people dream about. I think I get this idea in my head that things will go one way at a certain time and then they end up going a completely different way or don't happen at all. Life seems to be one big struggle sometimes. Especially when you are trying to find out the whys in life. I just feel like life shouldn't be always about the whys. If you want to do something, do it. There is no better time than the present. Granted, there are somethings that you can't always do because of timing, but if you can control it, DO IT. No one should ever stop you from making a decision that will make you happy. Time may seem life a burden sometimes, but it really is nothing more than a precious gift.