Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hate the Sin

Lately I feel like politics and opinions are all the fill up my newsfeed anymore. There is something I have been itching to say, but because of the ridicule and harsh comments left by others I have continued to bite my tongue. NOT anymore! I read something the other day that made me absolutely sure that I needed to speak out a little.

While on Facebook I was scrolling down and came across something that really caught my attention. There was a quote saying "If a month ago you said gays are going to hell, then you can't say #prayfororlando" (or something of that sort). This left me with the burning desire to punch someone in the face. Then I took a step back and really thought about what the quote said. Did someone just say that because a person doesn't think being gay is right that he or she now can't pray for the families of the victims? When did opposing LGBT mean that someone becomes okay with murder?!?!

As many know I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This is definitely not something I am ashamed to share with anyone. I personally do not think couples should be anything other than a man and a woman. Does that mean I think gay people are going to hell? NO!! Does that mean I look down upon those who choose to be in a same sex relationship? NO!! Growing up my momma always told me one thing, "Hate the sin, not the sinner". I 100% agree with that. I will never judge anyone for the things he or she chooses to do. Whether its gay, straight, chopping your hair off, coloring your hair every color of the rainbow, getting a whole body of tattoos, or telling your kids that santa isn't real, I will never judge someone for the things that he or she does. You do you.

 The Lord is the ONLY one that has the power to judge you.. and what does he do? LOVES. He loves every single one of His children. The ones who don't believe in Him, the murderers, the missionaries, the widowed, the lonely, the mentally disabled, the smartest kid in the class, and the one who never misses a Sunday at church. The Lord loves every single one of us. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

It breaks my heart to see so much hate in this world. It hurts to see a country only unite when there has been something as terrible as the Orlando Shooting. This world needs more love. Lord please bless this world, this country, and these people cause y'all know the struggle is REAL!