Friday, October 30, 2015

Finding joy

I encourage anyone and everyone to please watch this video. 

Tonight was a hard night. The stress of school and work and life got in the way. I know it can seem like the worst of times. Much too often I find myself struggling with the same issues. I don't want to get out of bed. I don't find happiness in everything that most people do. Then I watched this video. The 444 project really opened my eyes and made me realize that I'm not alone in the issues that I suffer in. It also helped me to see that I don't have to have this issues fixed to move on each day! Many people see depression as being dramatic but I'm here to tell you, it's not. It's real. The darkness she speaks of is all too familiar to me. Josie asks people why they get out of bed in the morning. Well, i wanted to answer. Fortunately I have many reasons to do so. My family is a HUGE reason. My grandma watching over me. My dream of being a successful stylist. My dream of having an eternal family of my own. The fact that if I stay in bed I'll never get to snuggle my nephew. The list goes on and on. I also read tonight in Alma about bow we must all humble ourselves and by golly, this video did it for me. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who will never ever leave me alone to suffer. I may be stubborn and want to fix thing but I know he's ALWAYS there to take on my burdens. I am also thankful for a loving family and an  amazing boyfriend who never stops supporting me. I hope that someone reads this some day and finds the comfort that I found. You are not alone.