Saturday, May 30, 2015

One day at a time.

It is okay to cry. It's okay absolutely have a breakdown. It is okay to not have everything all figured out. It's okay to love someone with everything you have even if people think that you are crazy. It's okay to have things that you want even if it would take absolutely everything you have to make it happen. Life is going to take effort. There isn't a certain way things have to go in order for them to be perfect. It is okay to want to spend every moment you can with someone. It is okay to not be where you think you should be in life. It is okay to admit you aren't okay. Life is really hard and I feel like every single day that proves to be true. Sometimes you feel like you are doing everything in your power to do everything you are supposed to, yet you just get a big smack in the face. There are days when screaming at the top of your lungs wouldn't even begin to make things better. No matter what is going on, it is okay. I feel like I have to keep constantly telling myself this. But in the end, the flowers may not look the way you want, the date may not go as planned (or even happen), or the fairytale may not come true but the Lord has a plan and we have to just see it through. Every day my anxiety takes over and I just have to remember that everything is okay. Just one day at a time.