Saturday, March 14, 2015

Actions VS words

They've always said that actions speak louder than words. Without a doubt I feel like that's true. But aren't words important, too? Communication is key to any relationship; boyfriend, best friend, mother and daughter. Doesn't matter what kind of relationship, if you don't have good communication you're doomed for failure. But what about our actions? Many times in my life I've trusted people's words and not paid attention to their actions. After the countless times I've been hurt because of that, I REFUSE to let that happen again. Every girl loves to be sweet talked and If you say you don't, you're lying. But stop letting that be the only thing that happens! You miss me? Come find me. You wanna make me feel better? Do it. You love me? Show me. You want to help me? DO IT. you can't go through life and BS your way the entire time. One day you're going to have to put a little effort behind all the sweet little things you say. It's so easy to let anyone hear whatever they want but actually backing up your word is the true test of character. I've always been the girl that likes it told to me straight. Don't sugar coat it. Tell me the truth and if you say something or promise something, back it up. Everyone is only given so much time. Better not waste it.