Monday, December 22, 2014

Leave the past behind you!

No matter how hard you try you will never be able to rewrite your past. If you make a mistake you can be forgiven, but it will always be something that happened. Reason why? YOU LEARN FROM IT. But why would you let something happen again when it ended bad the last time?! Ex boyfriend wants to talk about things? DON'T! Let's be real, he still doesn't care. It is just convenient for him. When he has no one else, he thinks he can have you. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?! You can sit there with the excuses of it being fate, but it isn't. It would have worked out before. You should not have 5 times of breaking up and getting back together. If you broke up because he just doesn't think you are the one or because he isn't ready to settle down, IT ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE!! Why do girls these days think that the guy who treats them like crap is the only guy that is going to care about them ever? Don't let some guy have complete control over you, over the decisions you make, over your life! BE YOUR OWN PERSON. When you love yourself, when you are perfectly fine with being on your own, when you are close to Heavenly Father and when you communicate with him on a regular basis, THEN your Prince Charming will find you. I don't understand why girls think that having a boyfriend is the most important thing. No matter what, your exes are EX for a reason. Don't go running back to the past because there isn't someone in your life that gives you their complete attention. BE OKAY WITH BEING ALONE. at some point in everyone's life he or she will have to be alone. Use this time to become the person you want and stop trying to be what other people want you to be. If you sit there and try to be this list of things that you think every guy wants, you will never be happy with yourself. Stop caring what other people think. Stop trying to act like someone you aren't. Be independent. Read your scriptures. Pray. Go to church. (Just throwing in the Primary answers ;) ) Life will be so much better when you decide to become someone that will make yourself happy and your father in Heaven proud. END RANT. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


As I watch a little girl cry and cry at a local store because she couldn't get a toy right away due to the possibility of Santa bringing it to her, I started to get really hopeless. It breaks my heart to see the holiday season become more about soending the most money as opposed to spending the most time with your family. This is the first Christmas without my Nana and I would do anything for one more Christmas Eve at her house with all my family. Why do we make everything about getting or giving the best presents when His presence is the greatest gift of all? This time of year is only special if the true meaning is remembered. In a manger laid the greatest gift the world will ever know. Do we still think of our Savior as the greatest gift or is it the new iPad or iPhone that we would rather have? Luckily for me, I made my goal for the holiday season to blow up social media with pictures and videos reminding the world the real reason for the season. Heavenly Father sent his son to die for all the sins and sufferings of the world. He wants us to return to Him and has given us a way to do that. Are we using this gift or taking it for granted? I hope to never feel like I am not grateful for all my Heavenly Father and his son have done for me. If we could all take a little extra time to stop the shopping, the baking, the eating, the stressing and remember why this time of year is so wonderful, then the spirit of Christmas could be felt every day of the year. Teach all your nuggets the real meaning of Christmas so they can enjoy the season more each year and so they won't look like little brats like the little kid I saw at Walmart because no one wants that. #thestruggleisreal