Friday, September 26, 2014

Boys Drool

So tell me why it is that every guy blames everything that goes wrong in a relationship on the girl? "girls are too emotional" "girls never know what they want""girls just are too clingy" WELL NEWS FLASH BOYS, Y'ALL ARE NOT PERFECT EITHER. It is very hard for a girl to be able to shut off her emotions for whenever it is convenient for you. And why the heck should we have to stop being who we are because you aren't man enough to handle a real girl how she is? I honestly find it quite pathetic. Majority of girls do know exactly what they want. We want something real, something that means something to you as much as it does to us. When we talk about being with just the guy or even mention settling down, boys run faster than the speed of light. How annoying is that? Welcome to reality boys. If you want to be a father one day you are going to have to settle down and get married. Unless you wanna just skip that step and start having babies, which I mean I don't judge but you may wanna reconsider that. Honestly, I blame it on the culture in the Utah bubble. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE 18 AND NOT ENGAGED THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! and why the heck is it that I find myself believing that there is sometimes? Nothing is more frustrating to me. I am 20 flippin' years old and I should not be stressed about becoming too old and ending up with like 30 cats and living alone forever. Okay so it would probably realistically be 2 dogs BUT STILL. Why is the pressure so heavy? I don't want to be married soon. I don't want to be scared that people are going to judge me if i'm not. IT IS COMPLETELY STUPID TO BELIEVE ALL THIS. If I don't meet "the one" for like 5 years I don't care. I am waving the white flag and seriously rebelling against the idea of being married before I could even legally get into a bar. I want to finish school and travel and have fun without worrying about stupid guys. I am over boys that are too scared to give girls a chance because of the dumb M word. Why don't we all forget about getting married and ENJOY LIFE?! THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!!!