Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Eye openers

I am a huge believer that life is a lot of the time about lessons. I feel like here lately I've done nothing but learn lessons on life. I've learned that some people are meant to be in your life but there definitely is good in goodbye. Why would you allow anyone in your life if they make you feel like you aren't good enough? I no longer will. No one in my life should tell me how to do things (except my parents...sometimes ;) ) I have also learned that it's okay to make mistakes. People should never make you feel like your life is not worth living. Unfortunately I have had some of those people in my life and I'm happy to say I'm weeding them out. When times get hard is when people show their true colors. They can help you through your problems or they can judge you because you have them. I am very thankful to say I have amazing family and few, but awesome friends that help me every single day that i struggle through. I'm also happy to say that even though I'm still single, I'm happily not willing to settle for anything less than what i deserve. While I hate reading every engagement post and opening every wedding invitation, I realize now that I haven't had anyone yet that really was the perfect guy for me. And just because I haven't found him doesn't mean i feel like I have to serve a mission to pass the time until I do. Don't get me wrong I think it's a WONDERFUL thing it's just not my thing and not meant for every girl. So I'll keep searching for mr right and enjoy the journey along the way. Oh how the struggle of a single 20 year old girl in Utah is so real.