Sunday, March 2, 2014

I just don't know

There are so many things I'll never understand. I'll never understand why something's are so difficult. I'll never understand why one person can feel like something is right, but someone else feels completely different. I just wish I wasn't so confused on my life right now. All I want are answers to my questions. I've been praying so hard to know what I should do and why I feel the way I do. Am I stupid or something? Am I the only one who feels this way? How is it that one day everything feels perfect and the next day it's all over? I just don't understand my life right now. I can understand that things take time but what happens when things begin to happen then immediently shut off?? I just wish I had some answers other than 'I don't know'. I'm starting to lose faith in this situation and shut people out. Is it worth it? I feel like it is but then sometimes my tears tell me otherwise. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.